
  • Im a huge ass simp for my drop dead gorgeous girlfriend

  • Im usually pretty friendly, caring & laid back

  • I use lots of dark humor, sarcasm & smartassery

  • I never take shit seriously

  • I dont tolerate people trying to hurt people i love

  • Im only an asshole if you deserve

  • Im a host of a D.I.D system

  • A few of my alters have their own accounts & I will interact with them publicly with tweets

  • Keep in mind, though my whole system believes in system accountability, I am unaware of anything that happens when they take over & i can NOT control my alters so please do not attack me for my alters actions


  • Mini G

  • Mini Corpse

  • Dubs

  • Glitz

  • Smash

  • Lil Sucka

  • Lil JuiceDrop

  • Mini Septicye

  • Dragon

  • Scarr

  • Jas/Speeds

  • Tale

  • Ryan

  • Shark

  • (01.18.21) I set up my Insta & got to know Mini Goosey

  • (4.29.21) I set up my twitter to interact with Mini Goosey even more

  • (8.20.21) I began dating my amazing lil star, Mini Goosey

  • (8.20.23) I became the happeiest man alive & got engaged to Mini Goosey


  • Pedophiles - If you are attracted to minors in any way, shape or form

  • People who support Incest - Supporting is just as bad as taking part in it

  • Mockers of mental health - People who make fun of people for having disorders & People who pretend to have disorders

  • FakeClaimers - People who try to tell people what they are & are not diagnosed with

  • Haters of any kind - People who hate on others just to hate

  • Generally problematic people - If you are toxic & start drama just to entertain yourself

  • People from past friendships - We aren't friends anymore for a reason, I don't want you here

  • Copy Cats - People who are too unoriginal to be their own person so they copy someone else's personality

